International Cooperation Forum

To Watch the Speech

To Watch the Speech

To Watch the Speech

To Watch the Speech

To Watch the Speech
Day 01
September 8, 2021
Nile Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Cairo

Panel 1 - Multilateralism and International Cooperation Post COVID-19
This high-level panel set the scene for the Egypt-ICF and emphasized the key role of regional and international partnerships in advancing equitable and inclusive development and identified the actions required by different stakeholders to enhance the effectiveness of multilateralism in an increasingly interdependent world for a strong and resilient post COVID-19 recovery.

Panel 2 - The Role of International Development Cooperation in Accelerating Progress towards the 2030 Agenda
This panel reflected on the role that International Development cooperation can play in mobilizing resources towards achieving the UN 2030 Agenda which witnessed serious turmoil following the COVID-19 outbreak, highlighting the opportunities that have emerged from the pandemic and successful experiences from the MEA region.

Panel 3 - Private Sector Engagement in Development through International Cooperation
This panel discussed the mobilization of private sector engagement in development through international cooperation in order to align more global finance in support of the 2030 Agenda, especially with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath resulting in fiscal retrenchment in many developed countries and negatively affecting the SDG financing gap, currently estimated at US$ 2.5 trillion.

Panel 4 - Climate Action in a Post COVID-19 Context: A Twofold Challenge
This panel addressed the twofold challenge of climate change mitigation and pandemic recovery efforts in developing countries, especially in the Middle East and Africa (MEA), as the COVID-19 pandemic increased strains on MEA economies and exacerbated preexisting challenges of pollution, increased climate risks and water scarcity, turning the adaptation to climate action even more challenging.

Dialogue With The Private Sector: Towards Inclusive Partnerships
This dialogue highlighted real contributions of private sector companies in strategic themes, explored partnerships with International Financial Institutions (IFIs) and identified how these collaborations significantly contribute to advancing the United Nations 2030 Agenda.
Day 2
September 9, 2021
Nile Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Cairo

Workshop 1 - Mapping ODA to SDGs: A tool for Effective Policy Making
The workshop served as a platform for promoting knowledge-sharing and achieving effective and impactful results towards accelerating the United Nations 2030 Agenda, as Egypt shared its novel approach of economic diplomacy that includes as one of its principles a country-led ODA-SDG mapping framework, with the aim to push forward collaboration for effective policymaking.

Workshop 2 - Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA): Prospects and Challenges of Digital Trade for Private Sector
This workshop highlighted the role of the AfCFTA in addressing digital trade constraints and the impact of quality infrastructure on private sector participation in digital trade. It also tackled possible regulatory solutions, especially for issues such as data and intellectual property protection, and how cross-border trade can be made more accessible for SMEs.

Workshop 3 - “Women In Business”: Supporting Female Entrepreneurship In Egypt
The workshop introduced the EBRD’s Women in Business program (WiB) in Egypt and provided a unique opportunity to showcase the development impact achieved through this program, focusing on the challenges faced by Egyptian women entrepreneurs, especially in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis and how local financial institutions and EBRD can support in overcoming such challenges.

Workshop 4 - Food Security and Employment in the Digital Age in Africa
This workshop served as a platform for fostering South-South cooperation and knowledge-sharing amongst African countries in the areas of food security and water management, highlighting the as recent advancements in agricultural practices, as well as the pioneering role Egypt has demonstrated in establishing a capacity building and knowledge sharing hub among African countries in the strive to promote food security across the region.

Workshop 5 - The Demographic Divide: Youth and Innovation for Transforming Africa
This workshop explored opportunities across the African continent to harness the potential of the fast-paced technological advancements through the promotion of youth-led innovative solutions, featuring success stories of youth entrepreneurs in digital transformation for economic development and addressing the role they can play to achieve the African Union’s ambitious agenda of digital transformation as well as the UN 2030 Agenda.

Workshop 6 Triangular Cooperation with Africa
The workshop was based on the main findings of the Triangular Cooperation in Africa report that is currently prepared by the OECD, in cooperation with the UN Office for South-South and Triangular Co-operation, and to which the IsDB has contributed valuable inputs. It showcased experiences from emerging economies, including Egypt, with an aim to promote peer learning among African countries, combining diverse resources and capacities, and highlighting country ownership.

Panel 5 - Investing in Human Capital
Organized by the Ministry of International Cooperation in partnership with the World Bank Group (WBG), this panel highlighted the recent advancements in human capital in Egypt, accentuated by the recent economic reforms and shed light on the critical role of international cooperation in pushing human development to the forefront of the agenda.

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