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Egypt’s Sustainable Clean Energy Strategy Pushed Forward After Parliament Approves Two International Cooperation Agreements Worth 336 million Euros

After successfully fostering international partnerships to implement Egypt’s sustainable clean energy strategy, Minister of International Cooperation, Dr. Rania Al Mashat, announced that the House of Representatives has approved two agreements with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the French Development Agency

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Ministry of International Cooperation Puts Egyptians’ Health at the Core of International Agreements Worth $500 million

To combat the challenges Egypt is facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Ministry of International Cooperation has been keen on strengthening international collaboration to support the country’s national efforts and fight the pandemic

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Al-Mashat: House of Representatives Approves Two International Cooperation Agreements Worth $ 53 Million to Combat COVID-19 Pandemic

Minister of International Cooperation, Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, said that the House of Representatives has approved two international cooperation agreements with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Arab Fund for Development worth $53 million

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Minister of International Cooperation Discusses Future Cooperation with European Investment Bank in Transport, Agriculture and Health

H.E. Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, Minister of International Cooperation, met with Ms. Flavia Palanza, Director for Neighboring Countries at the European Investment Bank, and Mr. Alfredo Abad, Head of the European Investment Bank Representation for the Near East, to discuss the future cooperation framework between the Bank and the Government of Egypt in priority sectors to achieve sustainable development, particularly in transport, agriculture and health.

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The Ministry of International Cooperation, the National Council for Women and the World Economic Forum launch Egypt’s Closing the Gender Gap Accelerator, the first in Africa and the MENA Region.

The Ministry of International Cooperation, the National Council for Women, and the World Economic Forum, have launched “Closing the Gender Gap Accelerator”, a national public-private collaboration model which enables governments and businesses to take decisive action on closing economic gender gaps. The Model supports public and private leaders in shaping innovative pathways to promote gender equality, diversity, inclusion and economic mobility, which is central to Egypt’s reform agenda. Egypt is the first country in Africa and the Middle East to launch this unique public-private collaboration model supported by the World Economic Forum’s platform. The Accelerator focuses on four key objectives; preparing women for the post COVID-19 world of work, closing gender gaps in remuneration between and within sectors, enabling women’s participation in the labour force, and advancing more women into management and leadership roles.

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Ministers of Environment, International Cooperation and Local Development Participate at the Concluding Meetings of the WB's Mission on GCAPMCC Project

Dr. Yasmin Fouad: "The project's final consultation document is finalized and cadres from the Ministry of Environment are preparing to establish a project coordination unit" Dr. Rania Al-Mashat: "The project significantly contributes to achieving the SDGs and we are ready to start negotiations" Maj. Gen. Mahmoud Shaarawy: "We work on establishing an integrated complex for waste recycling, treatment and disposal in the 10th of Ramadan City"

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Egypt’s Ministry of International Cooperation Unites the International Community in the First Multi-Stakeholder Platform on ‘Closing the Gender Gap Accelerator’

Egypt’s Ministry of International Cooperation and the National Council for Women with the World Economic Forum hosted the first multi-stakeholder platform on “Closing the Gender Gap Accelerator”, the first in Africa and MENA region.

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The Ministry of International Cooperation announces the launch of the IFC New Advisory Program to Help Boost Women’s Employment in Egypt “The participation of women is macro-critical, it is no longer lip service”. Dr. Rania Al Mashat

The Minister of International Cooperation H.E. Dr. Rania Al-Mashat announced the launching of a new 3-year advisory program by the International Financial Corporation (IFC) to increase opportunities for women employment in Egypt.

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Minister of International Cooperation: the European Investment Bank approves € 1.9 billion in support of Egypt’s transportation and SME financing.

Minister of International Cooperation, H.E. Dr. Rania Al Mashat announced the approval of the Board of Directors of the EIB to provide $ 1.1 billion euros in funding, to finance three projects in the transportation sector with the National Authority for Tunnels, in addition to providing a loan of € 800 million to the National Bank of Egypt in support of small and medium enterprises for the post-Covid19 recovery.

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Dr. Al Mashat at the PAM Conference: "Coronavirus Pandemic Revealed the Importance of Enhancing Cooperation between the public and private sectors and the civil society to overcome crises"

The Minister of International Cooperation Dr. Rania al-Mashat ascertained that the Coronavirus pandemic demonstrated the urgent need to enhance cooperation between the private and public sectors and civil society organizations

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Dr. Al Mashat at the PAM Conference: "Coronavirus Pandemic Revealed the Importance of Enhancing Cooperation between the public and private sectors and the civil society to overcome crises"

The Minister of International Cooperation Dr. Rania al-Mashat ascertained that the Coronavirus pandemic demonstrated the urgent need to enhance cooperation between the private and public sectors and civil society organizations

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Dr. Al Mashat at the PAM Conference: "Coronavirus Pandemic Revealed the Importance of Enhancing Cooperation between the public and private sectors and the civil society to overcome crises"

The Minister of International Cooperation Dr. Rania al-Mashat ascertained that the Coronavirus pandemic demonstrated the urgent need to enhance cooperation between the private and public sectors and civil society organizations

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Dr. Al Mashat in an Interview with CNBC Europe: “COVID-19 has Driven Decision Makers to Devise Non-traditional Solutions to Face the Crisis

The Minister of International Cooperation Dr. Rania al-Mashat stated that COVID-19 pandemic drove decision-makers and the private sector worldwide to devise innovative solutions to address the crisis and ensure business continuity

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Dr. Al Mashat at the PAM Conference: "Coronavirus Pandemic Revealed the Importance of Enhancing Cooperation between the public and private sectors and the civil society to overcome crises"

The Minister of International Cooperation Dr. Rania al-Mashat ascertained that the Coronavirus pandemic demonstrated the urgent need to enhance cooperation between the private and public sectors and civil society organizations

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The Ministry of International Cooperation and Embassy of Canada announce bilateral development assistance program between Egypt and Canada, to support Gender Equality and Women Empowerment

Empowering women can transform lives and society. Women’s empowerment can strengthen an economy in several ways—greater gender equity can support growth, social inclusion, and econom-ic resilience. Our bilateral development assistance program with the Government of Canada accel-erates Gender Equality and inclusive sustainable growth” said Minister Al Mashat.

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