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  • Thursday, 27 February 2025

As part of the partnership with the European Union and with the participation of representatives from the relevant national entities, The Ministry of Planning, Economic Development, and International Cooperation chairs meetings to follow up on the implementation of the projects: "Support to Improve Cereal Crops Production in Egypt" and "Integrated Rural Development."

The Ministry of Planning, Economic Development, and International Cooperation chaired the first meeting of the steering committee for the European Union’s program to “Support to Improve Cereal Crops Production in Egypt” (EU – KAFI), as well as the steering committee for the "Integrated Rural Development" program. These two projects are being implemented in collaboration with the European Union, bilateral development partners, and the relevant national authorities.

H.E. Dr. Rania A. Al-Mashat, Minister of Planning, Economic Development, and International Cooperation, affirmed the Ministry's commitment to enhancing its partnership with the European Union, especially in light of the positive developments over the past period, the elevation of relations, and the direction towards expanding economic, trade, and investment ties with the European Union, as well as European financing institutions and partner countries. She clarified that, as part of this partnership, many development cooperation projects are being implemented that align with Egypt's development priorities.

The European Union is funding the project to support and improve cereal crop production in Egypt with €40 million. The project is being implemented by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation and the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade.

During the meeting, the progress of the program’s first-year implementation was reviewed, along with the planned activities for the second year. The focus was on addressing challenges faced and working to find solutions to overcome any obstacles to ensure the smooth execution of the program and the optimal achievement of its desired outcomes.

The primary objective of the program is to enhance the productivity and sustainability of these essential crops through the application of advanced agricultural practices and techniques. This contributes to ensuring a more resilient and prosperous future for rural communities in Egypt, while also strengthening food security. This pivotal project, which aims to enhance cereal crop production in Egypt, is a testament to the ongoing cooperation with development partners. Cereal crops are a cornerstone of agriculture in Egypt and an essential part of daily life, particularly in light of the food crisis, ensuring a continuous flow of wheat supplies to farmers and consumers, as well as managing fluctuations in its international market price.

In another context, the Ministry hosted the second meeting of the steering committee for the "Integrated Rural Development" program, which is funded by a €24 million grant from the European Union and implemented by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation for the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation in the governorates of Assiut, Sohag, and Beni Suef.

The main objectives of the program are to strengthen the efforts of Egyptian authorities in promoting sustainable rural development in the Nile Valley, while simultaneously enhancing the capabilities of rural populations by expanding agricultural economic opportunities, especially for women, and increasing access to education and training opportunities.