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  • Thursday, 05 September 2024

Within the activities of H.E. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s Historic Visit to the Turkish Capital, Ankara H.E. Dr. Rania A. Al-Mashat, Minister of Planning, Economic Development, and International Cooperation, Signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the Turkish Side for Cooperation in the Field of Experience Exchange

- Al-Mashat: Advancement of cooperation with the Turkish side to exchange expertise in areas such as developmental finance, joint committees, and relations with international institutions

- Egypt maintains close and effective relationships with various international partners to maximize the benefits of developmental financing and support efforts towards achieving sustainable development

During the historic visit of H.E. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, to the Turkish capital, Ankara, H.E. Dr. Rania A. Al-Mashat, Minister of Planning, Economic Development, and International Cooperation, signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Turkish side on experience exchange.

The Memorandum of Understanding aims to enhance efforts in experience exchange to achieve maximum benefit in areas such as developmental aid activities, international negotiations, the role of developmental aid in sustainable development, developmental financing tools, and the role of joint committees as a tool of economic diplomacy.

In her comments, H.E. Dr. Al-Mashat emphasized the importance of the MoU signed between the two countries, given the pivotal role of multilateral cooperation and development financing in supporting development efforts in various countries.

H.E. Minister Al-Mashat highlighted Egypt's openness to efforts to transfer and exchange expertise in various fields outlined in the memorandum. She referred to the close relationships between the Arab Republic of Egypt and regional and international institutions, multilateral and bilateral development partners, as well as United Nations organizations and agencies, to support the SDGs. 

The Minister of Planning, Economic Development, and International Cooperation also noted that the ministry has established an institutional framework for international cooperation and development financing since 2020. This framework has contributed to advancing economic relations between Egypt and various international partners, enhanced joint coordination in international forums to support development efforts in Egypt through concessional developmental financing, technical support, blended financing to encourage the private sector, as well as advancing cooperation in climate action, green economy transition, and innovative financing.

Furthermore, H.E. Dr. Al-Mashat underscored the significance of joint committees as a tool of economic diplomacy that enhances collaborative efforts and opens avenues for economic, commercial, and investment relations between different countries. The Ministry of Planning, Economic Development, and International Cooperation oversee approximately 54 joint committees between Egypt and various countries around the world, including 38 ministerial committees, 10 high-level joint committees, and 6 sectoral technical committees.