During July 2022, a unified national platform was established that aims to integrate climate projects with a unified national vision and unify the efforts of development partners, which is the NWFE program, as a national program that represents an effective regional model and an approach to facilitated and fair financing to deal with issues of adaptation, mitigation and resilience, through the pillar of connection between water, food and energy.
A Year of Implementation: Celebrating one year of progress made in the NWFE programme.
The Ministry of International Cooperation launched the first follow-up report for the NWFE program, the pillar of the link between water, food, and energy, as well as the NWFE+ sustainable transportation pillar, during a high-level round table entitled “A Year of Implementation,” attended by H.E. Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, the Prime Minister, H.E. Dr. Rania A. Al-Mashat, Minister of International Cooperation, and the Ministers of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Environment, Agriculture, Land Reclamation, and Transport, along with the President of the General Authority for the Suez Canal Economic Zone, and the President of the General Authority for Investment and Free Zones; Development partners and heads of international financial institutions.

The report includes details of the efforts and achievements achieved throughout the year 2023 to implement the NWFE program to achieve the objectives of the National Climate Change Strategy to achieve sustainable economic growth and implement the Nationally Determined Contributions plan, as the energy pillar of the program works to stop the operation of 12 stations operating with traditional energy to stop 7 Millions of tons of carbon dioxide emissions, and operating 10 GW solar and wind power plants (30 million MWh/annum) will save 17 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions, saving $1.2 billion annually that would have been spent on providing the fuel needed to operate these plants.