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  • Friday, 26 July 2024

On the Sidelines of the G20 Development Ministerial Meetings in Brazil: The Minister of Planning, Economic Development, and International Cooperation Meets with the Brazilian Minister of Development Assistance, Family and Hunger Combat (MDS) and the Coordinator of the G20 Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty

H.E. Minister Al-Mashat Discusses with the Brazilian Minister the Objectives of the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty and Its Significance in Enabling Developing Countries to Enhance Their Food Security Strategies.

H.E. Minister Al-Mashat Explores the Benefits of Brazil’s Development Experience in the Context of Implementing the Unified Planning Law.

H.E. Dr. Rania A. Al-Mashat, Minister of Planning, Economic Development, and International Cooperation, met with Mr. Wellington Dias, Brazilian Minister of Development and Assistance, Family and Hunger Combat (MDS) and Coordinator of the G20 International Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty, during her participation in the G20 Development Ministerial meetings held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

During the meeting, H.E. Minister Al-Mashat emphasized the significance of the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty, launched by Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva under Brazil's G20 presidency. H.E. Dr. Al-Mashat highlighted the importance of the alliance given the global challenges since 2020, including the COVID-19 pandemic and geopolitical tensions, which have created significant crises affecting food security, particularly in developing countries.

The meeting discussed the alliance’s goal of establishing joint financial mechanisms and mobilizing funding to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly the first and second goals, by focusing on the poorest and most in need to combat hunger, poverty, and inequality. It also addressed the exchange and guidance of knowledge to the countries most in need.

The discussion also covered the importance of including the African Union and other international financial institutions such as the Islamic Development Bank and the World Bank in the alliance. The aim is to determine the assistance goals for each entity in addressing hunger and poverty and to explore how to benefit from the successful experiences of countries in combating hunger and poverty and enhancing food security.

H.E. Minister Al-Mashat also discussed with the Brazilian Minister various aspects of cooperation in human development fields and enhancing investment in human capital. H.E. Dr. Rania Al-Mashat stressed that the most valuable asset any country possesses is its human capital, which is a key strength to be leveraged. Investment in human capital contributes to leading inclusive growth and sustainable development. The meeting also explored how to benefit from Brazil’s development experience in the context of implementing the Unified Planning Law, which aims to improve resource utilization efficiency, increase economic growth rates, enhance competitiveness, and promote stakeholder involvement in the development process while reinforcing community participation in planning.

The meeting further addressed efforts in food security and social protection programs. H.E. Dr. Al-Mashat highlighted Egypt’s "Takaful wa Karama" program, which supports low-income groups, reviewing recent successful outcomes achieved within this national program aimed at supporting social protection efforts.

Regarding smallholder farmer support programs, the Minister of Planning, Economic Development, and International Cooperation discussed the ministry’s collaboration with various development partners, including the World Food Programme (WFP), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). She emphasized the importance of supporting and implementing numerous projects to achieve agricultural and rural development, and to increase farmers' incomes in Egypt’s governorates.

H.E. Dr. Al-Mashat also reviewed Egypt’s efforts in building human capital from a comprehensive perspective that includes all aspects, emphasizing the investment in human capital as a core component of Egypt’s Vision 2030. She affirmed the government’s commitment to developing human capital by providing healthcare services and enhancing the educational system.