
Climate Action

يهدف المشروع إلى تعميق المساعدة التقنية في قطاع الأعمال الزراعية المصرية من خلال تعزيز الامتثال لمتطلبات السلامة الغذائية في سلاسل قيمة البستنة.





of total ODA

1.42 %



Luxor, Sohag, Aswan, Asyut, Qena 315


Project objective is to support smallholders and extend climate resilience among vulnerable communities in Southern Egypt. Project Expected Outcomes are: 1) Resilience built and livelihoods of vulnerable rural communities in Southern Egypt supported 2) Institutional capacity at the central and local levels built for upscaling and sustaining project interventions in Southern Egypt


National Solid Waste Management Programme (NSWMP)

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Egyptian Pollution Abatement Prgramme (EPAP) III

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Third Phase of The Italian Egyptian Environmental Program

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Sludge Treatment at The East Alexandria Wastewater Treatment Plant

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Utilizing Solar Energy for Industrial Process Heat in Egyptian Industry

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Egyptian Programme for Promoting Industrial Motor Efficiency

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Development of Egypt's Fourth National Communication

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Enhancing Climate Change Adaptation in the NC & ND

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Enhancing National Capacities for Improved Public Partic

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Strengthening Climate Resilience and Food Security through Livelihood Enhancement and Rural Innovation

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Strengthening Climate Resilience and Food Security through Livelihood Enhancement and Rural Innovation(Phase II)

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Support Programme on Scaling up Climate Ambition on Land Use and Agriculture through Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) - SCALA

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