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Al-Mashat Meets Egypt’s New WFP Country Director to Discuss Joint Cooperation & Expand Development Partnerships Within 2023-2027 Strategy Framework

Al-Mashat Meets Egypt’s New WFP Country Director to Discuss Joint Cooperation & Expand Development Partnerships Within 2023-2027 Strategy Framework

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Egypt Ministers at Egypt - ICF: Human development must be at the forefront of post-pandemic agenda

Cross-sector ministers make a clarion call for governments to commit to human development worldwide

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Minister of International Cooperation commends the patronage of the president H.E. Abdel Fattah El-Sisi of Egypt - ICF, reflecting the country’s focus in multilateralism and international cooperation

Egypt - International Cooperation Forum convened more than 1,500 participants, both physical and virtually form the various stakeholders of the development ecosystem

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Egypt-ICF: Cairo Communiqué can propel sustainable economic recovery

Egypt - International Cooperation Forum concludes with Cairo Communiqué, which will guide policymakers through post-pandemic recovery by identifying global solutions to the world’s most critical challenges

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Egypt’s ‘pioneering’ SDG mapping model replicable for the region’s development

Egypt shares its novel ODA-SDG mapping model to boost 2030 Sustainable Agenda progress globally

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At the Egypt- International Cooperation Forum (Egypt- ICF): Digital infrastructure is the key to boosting African economic development

“Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA): Prospects and Challenges of Digital Trade For Private Sector"

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Egypt - International Cooperation Forum: Agricultural technology in Africa at the heart of the continent's food Security action plans

Effective partnerships and multilateral cooperation among all relevant parties can ensure food security.

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The Minister of International Cooperation Urges African nations to Develop More Inclusive and Horizontal Triangular Relationships

H.E. Dr. Rania A. Al-Mashat: Africa can accelerate Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) progress by sharing experiences and knowledge between countries

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E-ICF Launches, Alongside Participation of H.E. Dr. Mostafa Madbouly

Held under the patronage of H.E. Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the First Edition of Egypt – International Cooperation Forum is launched with the participation of H.E. Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, the Prime Minister of Egypt

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In its Opening Ceremony, The Egypt – ICF Emphasizes Importance of Joint Cooperation to Achieve the SDGs

The participants: "We are optimistic about the recommendations that the forum will reach; contributing to progress towards the common global goals."

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OECD: Efficient provision of development financing for Africa is still needed to achieve sustainable development

OECD: Efficient provision of development financing for Africa is still needed to achieve sustainable development

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Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations: Egypt International Cooperation Forum- Egypt ICF fosters joint action to achieve sustainable development

Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations: Egypt International Cooperation Forum- Egypt ICF fosters joint action to achieve sustainable development

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