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Q & A: Everything About the UN Partnership Development Framework for Egypt (UNPDF)

The Q & A below answers all the questions about the development cooperation between Egypt and the UN, and its strategic framework for the partnership.

The Minister of International Cooperation H.E. Dr. Rania A. Al-Mashat and the UN Resident Coordinator in Egypt, Elena Panova, established a roadmap for the UN Partnership Development Framework for Egypt (UNPDF) from 2023 to 2027, while co-chairing the steering committee meeting. The Q & A below answers all the questions about the development cooperation between Egypt and the UN, and its strategic framework for the partnership. During the aforementioned meeting, Al-Mashat and Panova also discussed the results of projects and partnerships that were implemented in 2020 within the current UNPDF 2018/2022. When did cooperation between Egypt and the UN begin? Egypt is one of the 50 founding members of the UN from 1945, and it has a long history of relations with its programs, affiliated agencies, and funds. As 29 resident and non-resident UN agencies operate covering all areas of cooperation, the country’s Resident Coordinator represents Egypt. What is the strategic framework for the partnership between Egypt and the UN (2018-2022)? The UNPDF from 2018 to 2022 is a comprehensive document that regulates cooperation frameworks with UN agencies. The document provides a roadmap that utilizes the efforts of those agencies and their country programs, including projects that support the Government of Egypt’s priorities in achieving sustainable development. The Ministry of International Cooperation, as the national coordinator of this partnership, is responsible for organizing and supervising the implementation of this strategic framework with the UN. The aforementioned document was signed by the Ministry on March 18, 2018 on behalf of the Government of Egypt after extensive consultations that took place in 2017. What are the results that the UNPDF aims to achieve? The UNPDF is composed of four pillars: 1) Inclusive Economic Development, 2) Social Justice, 3) Environmental Sustainability and Natural Resource Management and 4) Women's Empowerment. In the first pillar “Inclusive Economic Development”, the UNPDF aims to support the Government of Egypt’s efforts in achieving resilient and sustainable economic development by providing job opportunities, building capabilities, increasing access to technology in local areas, creating a balance between the supply and demand in the labor market, as well as supporting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). In the second pillar “Social Justice”, the UNPDF aims to support access to public services, expand social protection in health, nutrition and education, and enhance efforts to control population growth. In the third pillar “Environmental Sustainability and Natural Resource Management”, the UNPDF aims to mitigate environmental risks including climate change and promote sustainability housing and management of water and energy resources, particularly wind energy. In the fourth pillar “Women's Empowerment”, the UNPDF aims to to build women’s capacities and participation in leadership positions and the labor market, as well as their empowerment on a socio-economic level. What is the organizational structure of the UNPDF 2018-2022? The organizational structure of the UNPDF includes a steering committee headed by the Ministry of International Cooperation in partnership with the Office of the UN’s Resident Representative in Egypt, alongside the membership of several relevant national entities, and 4 results groups that operate under each of the previously mentioned pillars; Inclusive Economic Development, Social Justice, Environmental Sustainability and Natural Resource Management, and Women's Empowerment. What are the specializations for the steering committee and results groups? The steering committee is responsible for guiding the strategic direction of the UNPDF and adopting annual joint plans that are prepared by the UN agencies in partnership with relevant national entities. This is to provide support and assistance to the results groups by ensuring consistency and progress in Egypt’s priorities for sustainable development. The steering committee meets periodically to review the achievements and progress made and to approve the annual work plans. The results groups are concerned with preparing annual work plans in cooperation with the relevant UN agencies in accordance with the national priorities across each sector. They meet periodically to follow up and discuss achievements in terms of projects and future priorities. What is the financial amount that was secured for the UNPDF 2018-2022? The UNPDF set an estimated budget of $1.2 billion from 2018 to 2022 which encompasses $500 million dedicated to “Social Justice”, $300 million dedicated to “Environmental Sustainability and Natural Resource Management”, $300 million dedicated to “Inclusive Economic Development”, $100 million for “Women's Empowerment”, and $2.3 million covering other projects. The resources are divided into main resources allocated from intergovernmental bodies, minor resources provided from other partners, and resources that are mobilized to fill the financial gap. The Government of Egypt is working with UN agencies to develop detailed plans in cooperation with international development partners in order to mobilize all the necessary resources needed to achieve the goals until 2022. How does the UNPDF serve the national development agenda and efforts to achieve sustainable development? The projects implemented within the UNPDF support the achievement of many of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as, SDG 1: No Poverty, SDG 2: Zero Hunger, SDG 4: Quality Education, SDG 5: Gender Equality, SDG 8: Decent Work & Economic Growth, SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities, and SDG 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities, SDG 13: Climate Action, SDG 14: Life Below Water, SDG 15: Life on Land, SDG 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions, and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals. What UN agencies and programs are working to implement the UNPDF? There are 19 UN agencies and programs that signed the strategy in 2018 including; the International Organization for Migration (IO