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  • Wednesday, 26 July 2023

Minister of International Cooperation H.E. Dr. Rania A. Al-Mashat Heads One of the Committees for Selecting Women Cadres within the “Women Lead For Executives” program at the National Training Academy

● According to Al-Mashat, the “Women Lead For Executives” program is a practical implementation aimed at increasing women's representation in leadership positions and boards of directors.

● Dr. Rasha Ragheb, the Executive Director of the National Training Academy, stated that the program contributes to preparing female leadership cadres capable of leading, managing, and developing organizations effectively.

The Minister of International Cooperation H.E. Dr. Rania A. Al-Mashat chaired one of the committees for selecting female cadres applying for the “Women Lead For Executives” program, with the participation of Dr. Walaa Fouad and Dr. Raghdaa Youssef. This program is part of the "Women's Leadership School" programs implemented by the National Training Academy (NTA) , intending to develop skills and abilities for women in executive positions and enhance their experiences in the government and private sectors between the ages of 22-50. Many ministers, academics, and specialists participate in the committees that conduct qualifying tests for female cadres participating in the program.

H.E. emphasized that the Government of Egypt recognizes the important role that women play in all aspects of life in advancing development efforts and contributing to shaping the future.

The Minister referred to the attention given to women in many actions and decisions over the past years; foremost of which is the launch of the National Strategy for Women Empowerment 2030, which is part of Egypt's Vision 2030 to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to women. This includes the SDG 5: Gender Equality, and SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities. Empowering women is an integral part of the state's strategy and vision for building a strong and cohesive nation.

Al-Mashat applauded the role of the NTA and its various programs in enhancing human capital and promoting the necessary capacities and skills to increase women's participation in development efforts in the country. H.E. also noted the importance of the Women Leadership School and its related programs in enhancing the capacities of Egyptian women. Meetings and interviews revealed many distinguished female cadres capable of occupying leadership positions and effectively contributing to all aspects of practical life. These women's experiences and educational backgrounds, which they obtain during the training and study period, are diverse, making them capable of occupying higher leadership positions and contributing strongly in various fields.

The Minister stated that the diversity and multiplicity of experiences of the members of the evaluation committees, including academics, politicians, economists, and representatives of international organizations, cultivate the experiences of the program's applicants. H.E. directed a message to the participating women in the program emphasizing the importance of their ability to face challenges and turn them into opportunities, and refine their scientific and practical skills and experiences, in order to be able to bring about the required change and contribute strongly to the development of the Egyptian economy. H.E. also highlighted that the program's formulation is a practical implementation of efforts and legislation aimed at increasing women's representation in corporate boards of directors and leadership positions.

The Minister highlighted that the Ministry of International Cooperation is intensifying its efforts to mobilize funding and increase cooperation with international development partners through international cooperation and development financing. This is to design and implement diverse and integrated projects to empower Egyptian women in line with the SDG 5: Gender Equality. She also pointed out that all of their strategies include three main factors, the first of which is inclusiveness for women and youth, in addition to digitization and green transformation.

Dr. Ragheb expressed her happiness at the participation of Dr. Al-Mashat in addition to many other important figures in the interview committees of the Women Lead For Executives. She added that the selection process is done with high precision to ensure that, by the end of the training period, the participating women are capable of occupying leadership positions, whether in the Egyptian state or the private sector within different companies and boards of directors.

Dr. Ragheb added that Egyptian women deserve to be trained scientifically. She expressed her gratitude to H.E. President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, the President of the Republic, for his interest in investing in the most important asset possessed by the Egyptian state, which is the human element, through programs that target many categories and segments of Egyptian society, including the Women Leadership School.

The "Women Lead for Executives program aims to train Egyptian women in executive positions in various institutions, ranging in age from 22 to 50 years old, to develop their skills, capacities, and capabilities and prepare them for executive leadership positions in different sectors. This is in line with the vision of the Egyptian state to develop and empower women and in line with the UN SDGs.