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Towards a Great Reset: Ministry of International Cooperation Outlines the Key Role of Multilateralism for Sustainable Post COVID-19 Recovery in 2020 Annual Report

Minister of International Cooperation, H.E. Dr. Rania A. Al-Mashat, highlighted during the launch of the 2020 Annual Report the key role of multilateralism and inclusive economic policies for a sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 crisis.

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Annual Report 2020 l Pushing Ahead with Fiscal Reforms: Ministry of International Cooperation Secures $638 Million Fund from Arab Monetary Fund to Strengthen Pubic Finance Reforms

Minister of International Cooperation, H.E. Dr. Rania A. Al-Mashat, announced during the launch of the 2020 Annual Report that the Ministry succeeded in securing development financing worth $638 million in 2020 from the Arab Monetary Fund to strengthen public finance reforms.

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Annual Report Video: Capture Visually Ministry of International Cooperation’s SDG Progress in 90 Seconds

Through an entertaining and interactive infographic, Ministry of International Cooperation releases a compelling visual video to capture the Ministry’s progress in achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals in 90 seconds.

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Inclusivity, Sustainable Development and Capitalizing on the Digital Revolution: The Silver Linings of 2020, Al Mashat during the Bloomberg New Economy Forum

Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, stories of resilience in the New Economy Forum Plenary “The Rise of Regional Champions: The Search for Resilience”

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Egypt, Development Partners Endorse Roadmap for 2021 to Achieve a Better, More Resilient Future Egypt fosters dialogue and inclusive partnerships to achieve a better, more resilient future for 2021: Al-Mashat During UN’S DPG Meeting

• Ministry of International Cooperation emphasizes on dialogue and inclusive partnerships to achieve a better, more resilient future for 2021 • To ensure that vital sectors capture a larger share of the GDP, the Ministry has been working to establish a structured approach for streamlined harmonization of development efforts • Ministry of International Cooperation and Development Partners Endorse 2021 Roadmap

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The Ministry of International Cooperation and U.S. to Support 40,000+ Vulnerable Mothers and Children, Awards $5 million to the World Food Programme

Inclusive Economic Growth is at the core of Egypt’s roadmap to achieving sustainable development, Minister Al Mashat

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Ministry of International Cooperation, USAID Support 5 Million Egyptians’ Access to Clean Water Through Rod El Farag Water Treatment Plant

Minister of International Cooperation, H.E. Dr. Rania Al-Mashat and U.S. Ambassador to Egypt Jonathan R. Cohen, visited Egypt’s Holding Company for Water and Wastewater (HCWW) and Cairo’s main water treatment plant at Rod El Farag on November 17, 2020

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Ministry of International Cooperation, GIZ Agree to Finance 11 Projects Worth 132.8 Million Euros to Support Youth and Environmental Sustainability for 2021

11 new projects to be financed through the Ministry of International Cooperation in partnership with GIZ that are worth 132.8 million euros for 2021 The projects fall under the triple Ps narrative: people at the core, projects in action, and purpose as the driver to achieve the SDGs

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Egypt’s strategy to reinvigorate green growth was pushed forward through public-private dialogue: Al-Mashat During British Egyptian Business Association Event

Egypt’s road to a greener and inclusive recovery is pushed forward through enhancing public-private dialogue, which has been improved by 22% from 2016 to 2018, Al-Mashat states Egypt has followed a systematic twin-track approach to ensure that ‘green’ and ‘growth’ go together, Al-Mashat states Jürgen Rigterink, EBRD First Vice President, notes that that the cooperation between the private sector and the government has been mutually supportive Erik Berglof, AIIB Chief Economist, states that Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) views Egypt as one of the most important investment markets in the Middle East and Africa.

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Minister of International Cooperation, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to Invest in Jobs and Prosperity for 2021-2025

Minister of International Cooperation and Governor of Egypt at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, met with Heike Harmgart, Managing Director for the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (SEMED) region at the European Bank for Reconstruction at the Ministry’s headquarters in the presence of Mr. Khaled Hamza, Vice President of the Bank's Regional Office in Egypt, to unveil the new green recovery strategy.

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Egypt, World Bank Sign Agreements Worth 1.15 Billion Dollars in 2020 to Support Over 30 Million Egyptian People: Minister of International Cooperation

Within the framework of the Ministry of International Cooperation's vision to strengthen economic relations with multilateral and bilateral development partners in order to meet Egypt’s development financing needs

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Ministry of International Cooperation, World Bank Release New Economic Report: ‘From Crisis to Economic Transformation - Unlocking Egypt’s Productivity and Job-Creation Potential’

Ministry of International Cooperation and the World Bank Group release a new Economic report titled: ‘Economic Monitor Report: From Crisis to Economic Transformation’ Minister of International Cooperation, H.E. Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, affirmed that the report reflects Egypt’s story of resilience that has been singled out on the global stage Marina Wes, World Bank Country Director for Egypt, states that Egypt managed to maintain a solid macroeconomic performance in 2020 due to bold reforms in the past few years

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Egypt secures financing agreements in 2020 worth $7.308 billion: Minster of International Cooperation

Ministry of International Cooperation has succeeded in securing financing agreements in 2020 worth $7.308 billion for various priority sectors A decade of action and delivery – the Ministry has been committed to chart the course for development financing to accelerate progress to the Sustainable Development Goals

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Siwa's Shali Village Restoration reflects the shared values with the European Union to protect cultural heritage: Al-Mashat

Minister of International Cooperation, Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, visited the inauguration of European Union-funded conservation project of Shali village in Siwa Oasis in the governorate of Matrouh.

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