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The Ministry of International Cooperation’s Annual Report: $2.44 billion in development financing for the electricity, renewable energy, petroleum, and environment sectors over the past 4 years.

The annual report of the Ministry of International Cooperation for 2023, entitled “International Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Platforms for Policy and Practice,” revealed that the total development financing for the various sectors of the country amounted to $28.5 billion from multilateral and bilateral development partners, where $2.44 billion is intended for electricity, renewable energy, petroleum and environment sectors constitute 8.4% of the government’s total development funding in the past four years.

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The Ministry of International Cooperation’s annual report reviews details of development financing for the private sector amounting to $10.3 billion in 4 years

The annual report of the Ministry of International Cooperation for 2023, entitled “International Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Platforms for Policy and Practice,” revealed that the total development financing for the private sector from multilateral and bilateral development partners amounted to $10.3 billion during the period from 2020 to 2023.

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The Ministry of International Cooperation’s Annual report of; Details of concessional development financing for various sectors of the country over 4 years.

The annual report of the Ministry of International Cooperation for 2023, under the title “International Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Platforms for Policy & Practice,” revealed that the total development funding for the government sector, which was directed to the various sectors of the country over the past four years 2020-2023, amounted to about $28.5 billion, from multilateral and bilateral development partners.

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Everything you need to know about the volume of development funding over 4 years for The Ministry of International Cooperation:

The Ministry of International Cooperation revealed, in its annual report, that the total soft development financing packages and grants obtained by various sectors of the state and the private sector during the past four years amounted to about $38.8 billion, from multilateral and bilateral development partners. This impressive figure speaks volumes about the Ministry's effectiveness in securing vital funding for national development initiatives.

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The Ministry of International Cooperation launches its annual report “Platforms for Policy & Practice” to present details of international partnerships and concessional development financing for various sectors of the state and the private sector within 4 years In order to enhance the principles of transparency and governance and be consistent with international efforts aimed at developing the global financial structure.

In order to enhance the principles of transparency and governance within the framework of international cooperation and development financing, and in line with international calls aimed at developing the global financial structure and advancing efforts in the field of climate action and development, the Ministry of International Cooperation announced the details of the annual report under the title “International Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Platforms for Policy and Practice” which includes the results of international partnerships with multilateral and bilateral development partners, and concessional development financing, over the period from 2020 to 2023.

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Everything you need to know about the Hafiz platform for financial and technical support for the private sector launched by the Ministry of International Cooperation.

The Ministry of International Cooperation launched the Hafiz platform for financial and technical support for the private sector, which is considered an integrated platform that connects development partners and various private sector companies, whether large companies, small, medium and micro companies, or emerging companies, to benefit from development financing, technical support and consultations. The following report includes all the questions raised about the platform and their answers.

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The Ministry of International Cooperation Launches the “Hafiz” Platform for Financial and Technical Support to the Private Sector to Provide 75 Financial and Non-financial Services from 20 Development Partners to the Business community in Implementation of the Recommendations of the Egypt Economic Conference 2022

In implementation of the recommendations of the economic conference held in 2022, and within the framework of the state’s efforts to benefit from the best innovative financing alternatives available from international financial institutions and development partners to empower the private sector, the Ministry of International Cooperation launched the “Hafiz” platform for financial and technical support for the private sector (

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The Minister of International Cooperation, H.E. Dr. Rania A. Al-Mashat, opens a workshop to review the performance of the development cooperation portfolio with the AfDB

The Minister of International Cooperation, H.E. Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, opened a workshop to review the performance of the development cooperation portfolio with the African Development Bank (AfDB), which is held annually to follow up on the efforts achieved at the level of joint cooperation to advance the development agenda within the framework of the joint country strategy 2022-2026, and setting priorities for future cooperation, documenting the successes and achievements that have been achieved, as well as identifying the obstacles and challenges facing their implementation to formulate the necessary measures to overcome those challenges and develop an appropriate plan to improve the portfolio’s performance.

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The Minister of International Cooperation, H.E. Dr. Rania A. Al-Mashat, met with the Head of the Silk Road Fund to enhance joint cooperation in light of developing Egyptian-Chinese relations

Within the framework of efforts to develop joint Egyptian-Chinese relations, the Minister of International Cooperation, H.E. Dr. Rania A. Al-Mashat, met with, the President of the Silk Road Fund, Zhou Jun, which works to provide support for infrastructure projects, enhance cooperation with countries located on the Silk Road Project, and encourage investments, trade cooperation and economic relations with those countries, especially the private sector.

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During a Bilateral Meeting at COP28: The Minister of International Cooperation invites the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) Executive Director to visit Egypt and hold a Workshop with Relevant Entities on the Services Provided by the UNOPS for Joint Cooperation

At COP28, H.E. Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, Minister of International Cooperation, met with Mr. Jorge Moreira da Silva, Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), in the presence of Ms. Dalila Gonçalves, Regional Director for Africa, as the office is the arm of the United Nations to provide services, project, procurement and infrastructure management for UN agencies, governments, and other companies.

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Ministry of International Cooperation and the International Fund for Agricultural Development Organize Joint Event at COP28 on Resilience Monetization and Credit Initiative

The Ministry of International Cooperation and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) organized a joint event during COP28, to follow up on the Resilience Monetization and Credit Initiative, which was launched in COP27, with the aim of adopting the resilience credit as an innovative financing tool, with investments directed to adaptation sectors, in light of efforts to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of development cooperation and the climate financing agenda.

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The Ministry of International Cooperation participates in the United Nations' GenU Initiative in Launching the “GreenRising” Program to Enhance the Participation of 10 Million Youth in Climate Action by 2025 at COP28 in the UAE.

The Ministry of International Cooperation, the United Nations’ Generation Unlimited (GenU) initiative, participated in launching the Green Rising Program, which aims to empower 10 million youth, develop their skills, and enhance their participation in volunteer work to promote green growth and encourage job opportunities and entrepreneurship, through a partnership between the government and private sectors over the next three years until 2025.

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The Ministry of International Cooperation and the World Bank Group Announced a New Partnership to Encourage Innovation and Localize Modern Technology in the field of Sustainable Agriculture at the Local and Regional levels during COP28

The Ministry of International Cooperation announced the launch of a new partnership with the World Bank Group (WBG) to stimulate innovation in the field of climate-smart agriculture, during an event organized by the Ministry in the Egyptian Pavilion within the activities of the United Nations Climate Conference COP28, in the United Arab Emirates.

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The Minister of International Cooperation, H.E. Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, Witnessed the Announcement of the Results of the 2nd edition of the Global Climate Technology Competition ClimaTechRun2023, which was Organized by the Ministry of International Cooperation during COP28.

During COP28, the Ministry of International Cooperation organized a high-level event in the Egyptian pavilion at the conference, to announce the results of the 2nd edition of the international climate technology competition ClimaTechRun2023, which targets emerging companies in the field of climate action. That was in the presence of Alessandro Fracassetti, Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Mirna Arif, General Manager of Microsoft Egypt, and many representatives of startups, international institutions and entrepreneurs who participated in the 1st edition of the ClimaTechRun2022 competition. The 2nd edition of the competition was organized in partnership with the Ministries of Communications and Information Technology, and the Environment, along with development partners; UNDP, USAID, Microsoft, World Bank Group (WBG), and Korea Green Growth Fund.

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The Minister of International Cooperation, H.E. Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, Delivers the Closing Speech of the Sustainable Innovation Forum during COP28

The Minister of International Cooperation, H.E. Dr. Rania Al-Mashat, participated in the Sustainable Innovation Forum, held during COP28 in the United Arab Emirates, and organized by the non-profit Climate Action Foundation. The forum was attended by business leaders, governments, civil society, 1,000 decision-makers, investors, innovators, climate leaders, and about 150 speakers. The forum is intended to explore the urgent actions the world needs to promote a just transition towards green transformation, establish partnerships between sectors, and showcase innovative climate solutions that accelerate the pace of this transformation.

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