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  • Thursday, 08 April 2021

The Ministry of International Cooperation Meets with the Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister to Discuss the 8th Session of the Egyptian-Ukrainian Joint Committee

Officials from the Ministry of International Cooperation sat with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Senik to discuss arrangements for holding the 8th session of the Egyptian-Ukrainian Joint Committee for Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation.

Officials from the Ministry of International Cooperation sat with the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro Senik to discuss arrangements for holding the 8th session of the Egyptian-Ukrainian Joint Committee for Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation. This is expected to be held in Cairo, within the framework of Ukraine’s Deputy Foreign Minister’s visit. During the meeting, they addressed ways to enhance economic cooperation in areas of common interest, including: agriculture, machinery and equipment, and infrastructure. The meeting also included discussions on the procurement processes between the two sides, and the possibility of holding an Egyptian-Ukrainian business forum on the sidelines of the upcoming committee meeting. The Joint Egyptian-Ukrainian committee seeks to create the necessary legal framework to advance bilateral cooperation between Egypt and Ukraine. This is in addition to taking decisions that will facilitate trade, and encourage private sector partnerships between both countries in order to work collaboratively towards the global sustainable targets. They also addressed cooperation in trade, industry, health and medicine, agriculture, energy, and tourism, among other areas that serve the common interests of the two countries. The Joint Higher Committees is considered one of the most important tools for Economic Diplomacy at the Ministry of International Cooperation. It is also an effective means to establish bilateral cooperation between Egypt and other countries. The Ministry of International Cooperation supervises the preparation and organization of these committees at the ministerial and expert level.