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  • Thursday, 29 August 2024

Ministry of Planning, Economic Development & International Cooperation Hosts Technical Coordination Meetings for the Egypt - UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF)

Within the framework of the Ministry of Planning, Economic Development and International Cooperation’s chairmanship of the Joint Steering Committee of the  Egypt - UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), technical coordination meetings were held with the participation of the national stakeholders chaired by the results groups as part of the preparations for the annual meetings held at the technical results groups level for the 2024, and in preparation for the Joint Steering Committee's meeting in the coming period.

The coordination meetings aimed to present the governance framework and the activities concerned with the results groups to be implemented in cooperation with the specialized United Nations agencies, in addition to highlight the joint work plans for the current year 2024, the progress achieved and the related challenges, as well as coordination regarding the identification of the annual topics that will be discussed in detail on the margin of these annual meetings.

The preparatory meetings were attended by the Ministries of Health and Population, Social Solidarity, co-chairs of the results group concerned with enhancing human capital, the Ministry of Finance, co-chair of the green and inclusive economic development group, the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, co-chairs of the results group concerned with enhancing resilience to climate change, the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) , co-chair of the results group concerned with governance, and the National Council for Women and the Ministry of Labor, co-chairs of the results group concerned with empowering women and girls.

The Egypt - UNSDCF  is the tool for formulating United Nations development activities that integrate with government development efforts. Relations between Egypt and the United Nations date back to 1945, as one of the founding countries of the United Nations.

The framework for the partnership between Egypt and the United Nations is implemented through a governance framework, where the Ministry of Planning, Economic Development and International Cooperation and the Office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator in Egypt jointly chair the steering committee for the framework, which includes the relevant national authorities and UN agencies. Results groups for the framework are formed jointly with the United Nations, chaired by the relevant national authorities, through which technical work is coordinated to monitor the results of the implementation of the projects specified within the framework and to monitor the results to achieve the desired benefit.

The strategic framework for cooperation for sustainable development works to integrate with the government’s efforts to achieve sustainable development through key outputs and results.

1) Fostering Human Capital 

2) Sustainable & Inclusive Economic Development 

3) Enhanced Climate Resilience & Efficiency of Resource Management

4) Transparency, Accountability & Efficient Governance 

5) Women’s Empowerment 

During last March, the Ministry of Planning, Economic Development and International Cooperation held the first meeting of the Joint Steering Committee of the Egypt - UNSDCF, where the heads of the results groups reviewed the progress of implementing the five pillars of the framework, where development cooperation programmes and interventions worth $178 million were implemented.